Breakfast Recipes
Delicious Appau, all ready to eat
Appau just out of pan, ready to be rolled and eaten
I was introduced to Appau, a kind of pancake by my husband's family who often enjoyed them for breakfast on Sundays. Appau has a unique yeasty tang, is soft and supple and served with butter and sprinkles of dessicated coconut. I grew to like it.
I recently developed an interest to make them myself and searched for recipes. My sister-in-law, Sova, kindly shared her Appau recipes, I found a recipe that I had been given to me, several years ago, by my husbands dear aunt, and I looked at this website's, Appau Recipe by Proudly Indian.
After perusing the recipes I worked on a version that is also low in sugar and oil. Several trials later, I now have a recipe that I am very happy with. It is simple, quick to make, is vegan and delicious
The Appau mix has to ferment, that is why it is often mixed at night and then used at breakfast the next morning. Here is the recipe for Appau made without eggs or dairy products & with minimal sugar.
Appau spreaad with butter and dessicated coconut
Appau mix spread on pan to cook
Non-stick pan smeared with minimal oil
The yeast mix the next morning
My handy tools, non-stick pan, measuring cups & spoons, ladle for batter, spatula, for spreading oil and large spatula to lift appau
For a while on Sundays, my father-in-law would buy a batch of freshly made Appau's for breakfast from a lady in the neigborhood. My husband has fond memories of the delicious Appaus that his grandmother used to make for breakfast. He tells me that his grandmother made her Appaus in those hollow pans/Kadai. That is why Appaus made in Kadais have a delicate thin edge and a thicker center.
Make sure that the yeast you use is fresh and has not expired. If you do not have mealie meal, I am sure you can use corn meal. If you prefer more sugar, go ahead and add more, but do give the amount I suggested a try. Reducing the amount of sugar in our diet is very important for good health. You will soon get used to the taste of foods with less sugar.
Have all your ingredients and tools easily available. It eases the cooking process. I enjoy using the silicone spatulas as they are so flexible. A non-stick pan is also indispensable to me. I may try the Kadai someday.
If you would like to contribute a recipe,or have any questions/comments, email me, Nirmala, at
I will be happy to help in any way I can. The site will be regularly updated with tasty recipes and hints and tips.
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